Monday, July 14, 2008

Over 200 names

Welcome to the Croydon High School Reunion Blog. Between now and October 4th we'll be posting updates and other stuff along with old school photos for you to check out. It's by going through the photos that we've been able to come up with the list of names of people to invite to the reunion. Megan contacted the school hoping they'd provide us with a list of students' names, but they wouldn't do it (said it was against the rules or something).

We really want to make this reunion a night to remember for everyone, so we're hoping to track down as many ex-students as possible - all up it's over 200 names. Have a look at the list of names as well as the photos and let us know if you can identify anyone we haven't been able to. Also, let us know if you have any links to someone we're trying to find. The sooner we can make contact with people the better, especially if they live far away. The reunion's already less than 3 months away and with your help we should be able to find nearly everyone.

Now that you've found the reunion blog keep coming back to find out what's happening. Say hello and leave a comment so we know you've had a look. It's also a good way of letting others know you're around. It's pretty straightforward. You can use the comments box to make contact with us and all the other blog readers. Just click on "comments" at the end of each post and follow the steps to create a google account. Let us know if you have any problems. It'll be fun to see who pops up.

Now, because you've been so good we'll let you go home 5 minutes early...


sean ryan said...

hows the haircuts

sean ryan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nigel said...

Um, mine still looks the same! Good to hear from you Sean

